During their final semester of study, students take part in a 4-credit internship: BCHB 7951. Students are matched with senior researchers and principal investigators in biomedical research laboratories in Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) laboratories, government laboratories (NIH, FDA, NIST, etc.) and companies in Maryland’s I-270 Biotechnology Corridor.
Interns have the opportunity to work with exceptional research mentors, who are passionate about their research and happy to impart their knowledge and expertise to our rising biomedical scientists. Interns share original research developed in internship projects through triannual department poster presentations and a research paper.
Eligible students can also apply for summer internships at one of the premier national laboratories such as the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, providing an outstanding research training. The summer internship is available to students who have completed their Intro to Internship course (BCHB 7950) in the spring and will be continuing their studies in the fall. These students will be recommended by the program director based on their GPA, research skills and career goals.
If you have any questions, contact Cynthia Simbulan-Rosenthal, Ph.D., at simbulac@georgetown.edu or (202) 687-1088.
Internship sites: GUMC and NIH, FDA, biotech industry research laboratories
Unless special permission is granted, students must complete 15 semester credit hours before the start of their internship. Students also must complete the requirements for BCHB 7950 Introduction to Biochemistry Internship.
A 3.0 or better average in all courses is recommended.
All internships must be approved by the course and program director.
Off-campus internships must be in the D.C. metropolitan area and must be approved by the program.
Select at least three possible internships, in GUMC, NIH, FDA or biotechnology companies research laboratories, and make arrangements by email or phone to meet with potential mentors. The program provides a list of on-campus and off-campus mentors to choose from. Students may also search independently for a research lab and mentor on their own, if they prefer.
Each participating mentor will develop with the internship student-specific objectives to be met during the internship. You as the intern will fill out the internship objectives form and write the objectives as you understand them (not to be written by the mentor). Have your mentor sign the form at the bottom to indicate their approval of your objectives. You will submit the completed form to the course director for approval prior to the start of the internship. Students are not allowed to start on their internship until their objectives form is completed, signed and approved by the program.
The internship is for a minimum of 280 hours, which for the fall and spring translates to 20 hours per week for 14 weeks. For the summer, with prior permission from the course director, other arrangements are acceptable (e.g., 40 hours per week for 7 weeks). Students are required to keep a timesheet that needs to be signed by their mentor weekly.
While there is no remuneration for the first 280 hours a semester, students can be employed in the hosting laboratory/institution on a part-time basis after these hours are met.
A midterm progress report (after completion of 140 hours or 7 weeks) is required that summarizes work-to-date, which includes progress or completion of objectives. This midterm report must be approved and signed by the mentor prior to submission to the course director.
An abstract and poster are required; they are due approximately two weeks prior to poster presentations. Contents of abstract and poster must be approved and signed by the mentor prior to submission to the course director.
A final 20-page paper/report and a poster presentation are required to complete the course. The paper/report must be approved and signed by the mentor and is due three days before the day of the poster presentation.
Poster presentations will be held in the first week of December (fall internships), last week of April (spring internships), and last week of July (summer internships).
An evaluation form and recommended grade must be provided by the mentor at the conclusion of the internship project (due before poster presentations).
Specific due dates will be posted at the beginning of the semesters.