Our program is taught by well-respected faculty experts who are leaders in the fields of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, biotechnology and bioinformatics.
Leadership & Administration
Cynthia M. Simbulan-Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies, M.S. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Program
Dean S. Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Co-Director of Graduate Studies, M.S. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Program
Juliana Katinas
Program Coordinator, M.S. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Program
Nusrat Islam, M.S.
Research Specialist 2
Lab Instructor
Toni Olkey, M.S.
Research Specialist 1
Lab Instructor
Teaching Faculty
Elliott Crooke, Ph.D.
Mark Danielsen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Aaron Guha, M.A.
Research Specialist/Lab Instructor
Kyle DiVito, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Khuyen Mai, M.S.
MaryBeth Martin, Ph.D.
Dean S. Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Rahul Saxena, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Cynthia M. Simbulan-Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Usha S Kasid, Ph.D.
Sona Vasudevan, Ph.D.
C.R Vinayaka, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department Faculty
Department Chair
Hiroshi Nakai, Ph.D.
Gene amplification and chromosomal rearrangement promoted by movable genetic elements
Elliott Crooke, Ph.D.
Molecular mechanisms that cells employ to assure that their genome is faithfully replicated once, and only once, per cell cycle; prokaryotic DNA replication.
Albert Fornace Jr., Ph.D. Cellular responses to radiation and other environmental toxins
Fung-Lung Chung, Ph.D. Mechanism of chemical carcinogenesis and cancer chemoprevention
Daniel Djakiew, Ph.D.
Characterizing the interaction of neurotrophins with the Trk receptor in the proliferation of prostate tumor cells, and conversely, with the p75NTR receptor in the induction of apoptosis.
Nathan Edwards, Ph.D.
Informatics of proteomics by mass spectrometry
Ian Gallicano, Ph.D.
Signaling in embryonic stem cells (ES) cells and the role of microRNAs; Cellular adhesion during early embryogenesis in mammals
Radoslav Goldman, Ph.D.
Glycoscience and Glycoproteins, Translational Cancer Research, Head and Neck Cancer (HNSCC), Liver Fibrosis, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Heparan 6-O-endosulfatases
Jessica Jones, Ph.D.
Protein biochemistry; DNA recombination and repair; ubiquitin conjugation; vertebrate immune systems
Timothy J. Jorgensen, Ph.D.
Mechanisms of radiation-induced signal transduction and DNA repair, to identify molecular targets for sensitizing tumors to radiotherapy
Usha S Kasid, Ph.D.
Molecular tumor biology; Raf-1 kinase and signal transduction; regulation of tumor growth and radiation
Ivica Labuda, Ph.D.
Program Director, M.S. Biotechnology Program, Georgetown University
Moshe Levi, M.D.
Renal and cardiovascular complications of obesity, diabetes and aging; regulation of mineral metabolism
MaryBeth Martin, Ph.D.
Role of estrogen and the estrogen receptor in the etiology and progression of breast cancer
Vicente Notario, Ph.D.
Mechanisms of oncogenesis; environmental carcinogens; molecular genetics, with emphasis on yeast genetic
Paul Roepe, Ph.D.
Drug resistance mechanisms of membrane transport; gene expression in drug-resistant tumor cells
Dean S. Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Epithelial differentiation; apoptosis; carcinogenesis
Kathryn Sandberg, Ph.D.
Mechanisms underlying blood pressure dysregulation in hypertension, renal disease, anorexia nervosa, aging and in cognitive impairment and dementia
Cynthia M. Simbulan-Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Skin carcinogenesis; apoptosis; DNA replication and repair; melanoma cancer stem cells
Aykut Uren, Ph.D.
Development of targeted therapies against EWS-FLI1 and CD99 in Ewing’s Sarcoma, ERG in prostate cancer, ezrin in osteosarcoma and Pax3-Foxo1 in rhabdomyosarcoma
Sona Vasudevan, Ph.D.
Structure-Function relationships of cancer related genes, Antigen-Antibody interactions, Ligand-Protein interactions, Drug-Design and Systems Medicine
Associate Professors
Styliani Alimperti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Development of novel tissue engineering and regenerative strategies
Partha P. Banerjee, Ph.D.
Understanding how androgen-independent prostate cancer cells develop, survive and proliferate in an androgen-free environment
Mark Danielsen, Ph.D.
Molecular biology of steroid receptors and their role in growth, differentiation, and the development of cancer
Kyle DiVito, Ph.D.
Combination of microfluidic technologies with innovative bio-synthetic materials for use in organ-on-chip technology
Nady Golestaneh, Ph.D.
The study of connections that induce critical genes required for the viability of antibiotic-resistant prokaryotes
Joanna Kitlinska, Ph.D.
Pediatric tumors, as well as effect of stress on cancer development and progression
Evagelia Laiakis, Ph.D.
Utilizing metabolomic and lipidomic analyses through mass spectrometry to evaluate effects of radiation exposure in normal tissue and cancer cells
Henghong Li, Ph.D.
Cellular stress signaling and toxicogenomics; transcriptomic approaches to assess various toxicities of xenobiotics and develop the novel methods for mechanism-based toxicity assessment
Assistant Professors
C. R. Vinayaka, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics focusing on protein classification
Rahul Saxena, Ph.D.
Impact of cellular membranes on the initiation of chromosomal replication
Adjunct Faculty
Peter Sykora, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer, Amelia Technologies, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Bonnie Carney, Ph.D.
Research Scientist at MedStar Health Research Institute; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Surgery, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Richard Ascione, M.S., Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Office/Consultant, OnkoLogix LTD/ImmunoLogix LTD; Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Sinu John, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist at NIAID, National Institutes of Health; Adjunct Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University Medical Center
Lee Eiden, Ph.D.
Chief, Section on Molecular Neuroscience, NIMH, NIH; Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Rasha Al-Ali, M.S.
Research Tech at Virginia Tech FBRI Cancer Research Center (DC); Adjunct Instructor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Guney Boso, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Viral Biology Section, NIAID, NIH
Robert Blakesley, Ph.D.
Director, Sequencing Group, NIH Intramural Sequencing Center
Joseph Shiloach, Ph.D.
Chief, Biotechnology Core Laboratory, NIDDK, NIH
Larry Millstein, Ph.D., J.D., Esq.
Millen, White, Zelano & Branigan; Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Georgetown University School of Medicine